Sunday, July 31, 2011

And I'm here!

Finally, after 22 hours of travel, I'm in Manila!
I left Houston at 9:35am on Saturday, July 30, flew to Honolulu, deboarded for an hour, got back on the plane and flew to Guam, where I went straight to my gate and traveled to Manila. I landed at 9:40pm on Sunday, July 31 - talk about time travel. The two highlights were definitely sleeping 90% of the journey and getting an upgrade to first class on the last leg of the flight. Thank you OnePass credit card, you're the best. 

After going through customs and immigration, I began to take in my surroundings. One of the first things I noticed was the shocking amount of English - everywhere. The signs weren't in multilanguages, only my native tongue. And while I can't complain, since it's beneficial to me, I was a little surprised at the lack of Filipino (or Tagalog - to be further investigated). 

I texted Tim and his mum, then figured out where I was supposed to go to meet them. I walked down the ramp to where all the cars were picking up passengers and was excited to see a familiar face. After a big hug, I got into the car and was driven to David Bussau's gorgeous apartment in Makati City. I met Josh, Georgie, and Robb, all of who are participating in the projects this week. We sat on the couch, chatted, and watched some hilarious YouTube videos. It's midnight now, so I'm off to bed. Not sure what time zone my body is on, but I'm exhausted nonetheless! 

Missing everyone back home. With lots of love from Asia,

PS I think it just hit me when I wrote "from Asia" that I'm on my 6th continent. Unreal! I feel so blessed, and hoping I can share that blessing with others this week. 

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